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The epic begins with Sunjata's ancestry and describes how after a. troubled childhood and a prolonged exile, Sunjata returned to his homeland to unite all the Mande clans against. the powerful Sumanguru Kante, king of Sosso. A long war followed until Sumanguru's final defeat at the battle. of Krina1.
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2 Mali Bogowie 2 Jak Umieraja Polacy 2020-02-03 Red Army. But instead, they find themselves at the mercy of an even deadlier enemy: the killer cold of the Russian winter. As they advance across the icy wastes, they think only of survival. Biblia Święta St. Martin's Press Includes material on Alphonese Bertillon, Scotland Yard, Adolf Beck.
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Mali Bogowie 2 Jak Umieraja Polacy The peoples of Poland and Lithuania rally when the Swedes invade their countries. A shocking insight into the realities of war, the conditions endured by ordinary soldiers and their unwavering solidarity. Sociologist Leszek Kolakowski reflects on a centuries-long debate in Christianity.
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